Ready to build your personal business??


Smart Women / Smarter Choices

Tactical Lessons and Mentoring  to Help Women
Build their Business for Profitability 

Initial Group Discount of $2,000 - sign up today. Click Here to Join >>>

Receive The Best Foundation for a Profitable Business, designed by women for women.

You will have the support, mentoring, and step-by-step plans for creating your dream life and business.

Starting with YOU 

To insure that you consistently bring the right mindset to your business. 

Addressing any self-limiting beliefs or ideas, and having a clear mind for going forward.

Together we address and show you ways overcome the unique challenges that women in business face today.

Build a profitable plan

You will have a clear picture of your strengths, challenges, project plans, and priorities. 

And the necessary tools to run a profitable business.

Build effective teams 

By improving your communication skills and using smart hiring practices that you will learn in this program.

Build your Celebrity Authority

Smart brand assessment, and effective communication strategies help you to start and grow  personal tribe of enthusiastic champions. 

Gain Successful Negotiating Skills

Learn the secrets to overcoming a fear of negotiating and the tips and skills for successful negotiation in your business.

Bonuses Included for Members

Private Mentoring & Onboarding Call with Terri Murphy

To welcome you and help give you personal guidance as you start on this important journey of learning.  Scheduled at a convenient time once you sign up.

Support and Live Mentoring

Each week during the 8 week program we have live coaching calls with all members of this program as we all progress together.

Celebrate your successes and get answer to your questions.

Only for those in the program.

A Community of Peers

You will meet other women making progress and sharing successes along with you.

Build your professional network of like-minded individuals.

You're invited to our kickoff.  Sign Up now to get the $2000 discount special pricing for early sign ups and use Coupon Code "LETSGO"

Between now and the start of the class I we will have a private one-to-one onboarding / mentoring call to get to know you and your specific challenges, and get you started.

Yes!! I'm ready - let's get started!

I'm Terri Murphy.  Nice to meet you.

Would you like to save a few years of trial and frustration by learning you the ideas, strategy, tools and action steps to build your own profitable business?

In this online program you will learn what my private clients know condensed it into an 8-week program.  Smart Women / Smarter Choices is for the woman entrepreneur looking for guidance and direction in setting up and launching their business for profitable, sustainable success that can support your dream life and lifestyle.